McGarrah Jessee

Welcome to McJ, a FULL-SERVICE CREATIVE SHOP in Austin, USA.
You Belong
“Building an inclusive, empowered and equitable environment for every employee requires a level of admission and vulnerability uncommon at work. And that’s the point. There’s a lot we need to tear down and build back up, in all of us.”
Britton Upham
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“This work is personal first; it takes time. Imagine eating a juicy, tender pulled pork barbecue sandwich with extra sauce and a mound of coleslaw. That first bite is messy, but damn, it’s good, so you keep eating, until you are satisfied. McJ, let’s keep eating on this journey to belonging, and I promise it will be the most delicious, uncomfortable experience you will ever have!”
Krischanna Roberson
Director of Diversity & Culture

We are dedicated to an organizational culture that embraces everyone for who they are: racially, culturally, religiously, sexually, linguistically, fashionably.

Our Journey


For over a decade, we’ve been involved in E4 Youth, an organization that opens up career pathways for underserved youth. It’s been our desire to introduce more diverse talent to the many creative pursuits available as prosperous livelihoods.

Internally, we’ve been scrutinizing our own access and perspectives. We overhauled our internship program, created an unbound hiring practice which openly seeks diverse talent anywhere, instituted companywide unconscious bias training, created an educational program around significant annual holidays and celebrations, offered employees 8 hours per month in paid time to volunteer, rolled out free independent professional coaching and personal wellness therapy for all employees, and hired a dedicated Director of Diversity & Culture to keep us uncomfortably challenged (thanks, Krischanna).


We are on our journey personally and collectively, working on our 10,000 hours and evolving our organization. We’re running monthly all-agency (un)learning seminars, regular breakout lunch and discuss sessions, new hire diversity onboarding, monthly DEIB leadership coaching, quarterly moderated leadership alignment meetings and ongoing client education and conflict management where needed. We have a detailed road map, and we’re doing the messy work.


This journey is actionable. Candid, confident relationships create change faster than anything. We seek more diverse talent and clients in an empowered and rewarding culture. We seek culture adds, not fits. We’re being intentional with our data collection and analysis around hiring, retention, sentiment, agency makeup. And we’re using that data via regular climate surveys, support systems, one-on-ones and mentor sessions to trample bias wherever it lives and trial new behaviors to experience real change.
Wanna know more? Feel free to reach out about our DEIB Journey at

By the Numbers

Data is an inarguable reality check that tells us how to challenge our behaviors and gives us a better chance of truly being a diverse workforce.
Download the full report


bipoc: 20%
female: 70%
white: 80%


asian 4%
black 8%
latinx 17%
white 71%


female: 63%
male: 37%

Current Opportunities

Want to be on top of our minds?
If you’re interested in us, but don’t see an open position that fits perfectly, send us your info at and we’ll keep you in mind for any future opportunities afoot.

We Believe in
Passion Projects.


Be Unproductive

Birth control is not just a women’s issue. It’s an everyone responsibility. When state trigger laws went into effect across the country, we added a refreshing point of view: Male birth control is an act of solidarity with every human who owns a uterus.


Black History Firsts

A few of our employees got together to spotlight moments in Black History that haven’t happened yet. It was a challenge to speed things up in society, but also our agency.